五里霧中・金鹿の学級 Into the Fog (Golden Deer)
(マグドレド街道 昼)
Magdred Way | Daytime
クロード: 泣く子も黙る“雷霆のカトリーヌ”さんとご一緒できるなんて、光栄の至りですね。
Claude: It really is an honor to accompany Catherine, wielder of Thunderbrand. I hear you’re intimidating enough to silence the howling winds!
Choice 1: 雷霆? Thunderbrand?
Choice 2: 雷鳥? What are you talking about?
カトリーヌ: はん、知らないのか?これが“雷霆”……英雄の遺産の一つだ。
Catherine: You mean you don’t know? My weapon is called Thunderbrand. It’s one of the Hero’s Relics.
A long, long time ago, the goddess bestowed divine weapons upon 10 heroes, which were passed down to their descendants.
It’s an honor to wield, but I’m afraid there won’t be any chance to for that today. Our mission is to help clean up the aftermath, not to fight.
クロード: しかし、何でまたロナート卿は無謀な反乱を起こしたんですかね?
Claude: Why would Lord Lonato incite such a reckless rebellion? He had to have known he had no chance of winning.
カトリーヌ: アンタら、「ダスカーの悲劇」は知ってるな?
Catherine: It all goes back to the Tragedy of Duscur…
Choice 1: 聞いたことはある I’ve heard of it.
Choice 2: よく知らない I don’t know much about it.
クロード: 本当か? いったいどこを旅してたら耳に入れずに生きてこられるんだよ。
Claude: You must be joking. Where have you been traveling that news of it didn't reach you?
クロード: 確か4年前、ファーガス神聖王国の国王がダスカー人に殺された事件……ですよね?
Claude: It happened about four years ago. The king of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus was murdered by the people of Duscur. That about covers it, right?
カトリーヌ: まあ簡単に言えばそうだが、王国内にも加担者がいたんだ。
Catherine: To put it simply, yes. But there’s more to that story. They had accomplices within the Kingdom as well.
Lord Lonato’s son, Christophe, was one of them, and so he was handed over to the church for execution.
Choice 1: 教団が罪人の処刑を? The church executes criminals?
カトリーヌ: 教団からすりゃ、混乱する王国の代わりに、教義に則って裁いたに過ぎんさ。
Catherine: Speaking from the church’s perspective, we simply passed judgment according to our doctrine in place of the Kingdom, which was in complete chaos.
Choice 2: なぜ国王が狙われた? Why was the king targeted?
カトリーヌ: ランベール国王は大規模な政治改革を行おうとしてたから、政敵も多かったのさ。
Catherine: King Lambert was attempting a major political reform. Needless to say, he had many enemies.
カトリーヌ: ……事件の真相がどうあれ、それ以来、ロナート卿は教団に恨みを抱いてんだろ。
Catherine: Whatever the truth behind that incident may be, Lord Lonato has harbored resentment toward the church ever since.
Well… To be more specific, his grudge isn’t only against the church. It’s also against the one who turned Christophe over to them…
教団兵: 報告!敵が接近中です! 避けられません!
Church Soldier: Report! The enemy is approaching! They can’t be avoided.
Their numbers are far greater than we predicted. They used the fog to slip past the knights’ perimeter!
カトリーヌ: おっと……Byleth、任務変更だ。総員、戦闘準備にかかれッ!
Catherine: It looks like our mission just changed, Professor. everyone, prepare for battle!